Prepare your printer for the next print by using the Clean or Squeegee methods. Do this after or before every print, always ! Failure to do this will lead to permanent damage to your 3D printer.
Continue reading for how to Squeegee your FEP as the preferred method. If you don’t have a silicone spatula see “Cleaning your FEP” for instructions.
Mix your resin & Squeegee your FEP
Before every single print mix the resin. Use a soft silicone spatula to squeegee the FEP before adding new resin. This is also to check for any solid objects stuck to the FEP. When adding resin, shake the bottle for at least 30s, pour and let sit for 5-10 min allowing the bubbles to dissipate. Amazon Link for the spatula shown.

Don’t use the hard plastic scraper that comes with your printer, it will scratch the FEP. If you damaged your FEP I recommend the Siraya-Tech nFEP
Now you’re ready to print your first calibration!
So go do that now. While you’re waiting, grab a coffee and read the rest of the guide.
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