The library allows access to a database of models that can be printed and modified at will, to test one’s machine, verify its proper calibration, or simply to have a specific shape. Various models are available.

Cube: The cube is scalable on every axis (depth, width, height). It can be very useful for setting up your first layer (with little 30x30x0.3 patches everywhere on your bed), or to verify that your E-step values for X, Y, and Z are correct (measurement test).

Sphere: You can easily modify the diameter of the sphere, as well as the number of segments on each axis (width and height).

Cone: The height and diameter are adjustable, as well as the number of segments for its revolution.

Cylinder: This cylinder can be shaped as desired. You can specify the top diameter, bottom diameter, and its height, as well as the number of parts composing its external side. It can be very useful to print in vase mode to see if you encounter any problems with your extruder or Z stepper!

Torus: Or the donut shape model. You can modify the width of the central tube, the number of segments composing the tube, as well as its radial section and diameter.

Icosahedron: A shape reminiscent of a 20-sided dice. Its diameter is easily adjustable and can be used to check the adhesion of the first layer (with a very fine surface) and the overhangs (the entire bottom will have overhangs at different angles).

Test: One of the world-famous calibration cubes widely used in filament printing. Here is its simplest variant presented. With a standard size of 20x20x20, each axis is indicated on the cube to facilitate measurements. It will be very useful for verifying that your machine is functioning properly and that your axes (E-step values for X, Y, and Z), as well as your flow (extrusion multiplier), are well adjusted. It can easily be scaled up to a 30mm cube or larger for easier measurements.

Chick: One of the models designed by one of the founders of Lychee Slicer! Printable very easily without support, it can be useful when you have just received your machine to verify that everything is functioning properly. Its large ground surface and organic design make it a good test to check the adherence of the first layer and the external appearance of the model.

Benchy: Designed by, it is an emblematic model of filament printing. Used both for calibration (measurement, stringing, overhang, cooling) and as a racing object for comparison among makers with the Benchy Race, where the goal is to print this small model as quickly as possible with specific parameters.

Text: By default, it will come up as Lychee Slicer but you can customise the text in the Object Editor in the top right corner.

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Tags: FDM