Convert holes into Caps to be used to more easily repair the model in post processing.
Hole Only

- Convert any selected hollowing hole into a geometrical hole.
- Will also convert hollowing 3D into geometry as well. Afterwards the target object will no longer have an outside or inside. Disabling the use of the Interior/Exterior View button.
- Only the selected hollowing hole into new geometry.
- Only the area occupied by both the the hollowing hole and the object will be converted.
- Pro or Premium only
Cap Only

- The Hollowing hole will be converted into a new object in the scene.
- Only the area occupied by both the the hollowing hole and the object will be used to create the cap.
- The Cap will have a diameter smaller than the hollowing hole, set by the value specified under Cap Gap.
Cap Gap
- Sets the tolerance between the cap and the model
- Can be set between 0.1mm and 10mm in 0.1mm increments.
Pro or Premium only
Cap + Hole

- Convert ALL hollowing holes into geometrical hole(s).
- Will also convert hollowing 3D into geometry as well. Afterwards the target object will no longer have an outside or inside. Disabling the use of the Interior/Exterior View button.
- Only the area occupied by both the the hollowing hole and the object will be converted.
Cap Gap
- Sets the tolerance between the cap and the model
- Can be set between 0.1mm and 10mm in 0.1mm increments.
Keep Cap in Place
- ON – Any cap created will remain where it was generated.
- OFF – The Cap will be moved to location 0x 0y 0x on the build plate upon generation.
Pro or Premium only
Object is a hole

Used to convert any object into a hole.
- Any area that the converted object occupies, will be blocked from printing.
- This is much like 2D hollowing where it will only be applied when slicing.
With little imagination this can be very powerful tool when used to prevent sections of your model from being printed.
- Will convert any selected object into a hole.
- If an object has been converted to a hole, selecting it and then selecting OFF will convert it back to a normal object.
Pro or Premium only
Last updated on
Tags: Resin