When you purchase a Lychee Slicer license, it is linked to the email address you have used to create your Lychee Slicer account.
To create a Lychee Slicer account you can register on our website.
With Lychee Slicer Free and Pro you can install Lychee Slicer on 2 computers and use the same logins to access your account.
With Lychee Slicer Premium you can install Lychee Slicer on 4 computers with the same logins.
You can compare both plans here.
If you have already installed Lychee Slicer on your maximum number of computers you can revoke your computer slots in Lychee Slicer.
File > Preferences > My Account > Saved computer list

If you are unable to revoke your computers to free your license slots, please contact our technical support team.
Last updated on